The stigma of race has followed many us through all the corridors of society: Work, home at church, etc. Despite the progress some have made with interracial relationships, there are others that reject it with utter disgust.
Is interracial love a betrayal of one's self and ethnicity?
Some say nblack men that sleep with white wome do it for status or to get a "trophy wife." Some even view landing a white woman as a coup de gras business move that will help them be accepted among the upper echelon businessmen.
Some men see a sister dating a white man as a stab in the back, an abandonment. (note: These are the same men that don't want them though.)
They say it is further degradation of the black family.
Well, is it?
It's a known fact that there are more "available" black women out here than "eligible" black men. Unless polygamy comes back, the numbers simply won't work.
As for the black men who go for white women, do the reasons even matter anymore? Sure, there could have been ulterior motives, but who's business is it?
Is there a feasible argument for "staying in one's race" when it comes to love?
Interracial love is in fact an epic win for everybody. It could never be epic fail, or even a slight fail.
After all, "Love never fails." - 1 Corinthians 13:8