"I think my most excitement about it is that I get to redecorate my room," said Sasha, the eldest Obama girl, when asked this summer how cool it would be to live in the White House. "I enjoy decorating. So I get to get this whole new room and do whatever I want!" she said. That cool dream is about to become reality.
As the world focuses its eyes on the first black president-elect of the United States, a good number of Americans will sit back and take in the cute, simple joy of the new First Daughters: Malia and Sasha.
A critical eye should be dimmed in this case the girls are still elementary school-age, but soon the media scrutiny will beckon.
To be true there have been children in the White House before, namely John F. Kennedy Jr. But everyone knows this will be diferent. It'll take 2 terms before the Obama girls can actually look and feel like grown women: In 2016, Sasha will be 18. Will they turn out like the daughters of Joe "Reverend Run" Simmons? Will they pick up tendencies of the Hilton girls?
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