You knew it would come to this, now didn't cha: Octuplet mom Nancy Suleman is receiving death threats now that she's $50,000 in debt and has set up a web site to take your donations. People seem to be furious with her, and not just in the United States but around the world (As we know, some countries have one-child-only policies and the like.). Gotta give it to Suleman though she's trying to pimp all eight of them infants and "raise awareness" as best she could. She takes PayPal, by the way.
All of this comes on top of news that the doctor that performed the surgery for the octuplets has .another patient expecting quadruplets And now, she doesn't have insurance.
Gotta love the people of the world. Hey, if she likes it, I love it. Gotta get donations from where ever ya can when you have multiples, lol
February 13, 2009 at 5:17 PMPost a Comment