When one thinks of the word "vixen," who comes to mind?
When one thinks of "media maven," I'll tell you who doesn't come mind.
Karrine "Superhead" Steffans.
But, besides a select few, no woman has taken the digital and technological reins of the makeshift branding world like Steffans, the original "video vixen."

Steffans has created a virtual library of content of herself for more than two years now. She's been on Twitter before most celebrities had even heard of "blogging," let alone "microblogging."

Evidently frustrated with not being able to penetrate Hollywood's glass basement, Steffans has taking to donning outfits and performing character skits, including one called "Becky" (Beckyodes) where her and a friend chatter about wacky stuff in really strange voices.
She may not be Carroll Burnett, but compared to other "vixens," out there, she's raised the ante considerably.
Her personal web site has given a weekly video feed before many prominent TV stations had theirs up and running.
Not that she was just trying to push social networking beyond the uber-popular Facebook and Myspace. Steffans has been trying to transition to certified book author.
Her days as a "video vixen" have provided X-rated fodder as she blabbed about her sexual encounters with celebrities both married and unmarried.
Her online exploits have been followed closely by the camps of Oprah Winfrey and Tyra Banks as one-woman corporations seek to push their reach further across the Web.
But what's next for Steffans?

Will she reinvent herself as an actress or one day get her own show?
But as Twitter and Hulu and a host of other digital companies make a push for advertising dollars, where will someone like Steffans migrate migrate on the digital landscape next?

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