You'd be hard-pressed to find a celebrity hotter than Amber Rose right now.
Usher, yeah, he's pretty hot right now, due to his filing for divorce, but that's falling by the wayside.
RiRi? She's falling back down to normalcy now, a 6 on our 10-point attention barometer.
Madonna? Old news?
But Amber Rose, famous for ... exactly what again? I mean what did she have something, anything going on that would thrust her into the national spotlight?
Quite like this?
Right, that's the point. I mean, we heart her with her buzzcut and all. But she's simply the Visible Lover of Kanye West, the most highly public, attention-loving, grandoise entertainer alive today.

Why is Amber Rose famous? Call it the V.L.P: Visible Lover Phenomenon.
People just love to know who celebrities are sleeping with.
There have been other VLPs: Stedman Graham comes to mind; Pharrell used to sport "Vashtie" everywhere he went a few years ago. But England follows them way more than the States.
But celebrities no doubt should be able to do what they want, but lovers should also be able to decide if they want to be apart of the VLP as well.
In the NBA, many don't.
But VLP is a blessing and curse, just ask other celebrities.
The only thing they have in the end ... is a VH1 reality show.
LMAO u need to quickly trademark/patent/copyright that term b4 someone esle gets it.
September 8, 2009 at 5:23 PMPost a Comment