Not that most of us would know Taylor Swift from the checkout girl at Whole Foods, but it's the blasted point: Kanye, take your meds, bro, for real.He's 'SOOOO SORRY' now.
Whether it was Hennessy or what, the "College Dropout's" interruption of Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at last night's MTV Video Music Awards left a sour taste in everybody's mouth.
As a result, many radio stations are saying they won't play anymore Kanye West music, and more importantly, many fans are raising the issue of boycott. People calling into radio stations and web sites are raising a big stink about Kanye, and rightfully so.
The latest antics just may cost the Jay-Z protege the goodwill of the people, and his most loyal fan base. As we all know African-Americans aren't the people buying hip-hop these days, and Kanye just might feel his latest outburst in the pocket.
Interestingly, Kanye West has apparently interrupted Obamaas well.
if his notoriety is affected because of this stunt he pulled at the VMA's, I wouldn't feel bad for him...crass actions have consequences.
September 14, 2009 at 11:29 AMDid he learn anything from the Chris Brown situation?
He spoke out about that situation; I guess he figured the rules didn't apply to him.
yeah, I thought when Kanye was rapping on Bey's "Ego" song, he was just playing. And I wonder if Bey and Jay pulled him to the side after this.
September 14, 2009 at 11:40 AMHa! I don't know why everyone is so up in arms about this particular outburst from Kanye. It sure as hell ain't like this was the first time. Kanye is well known for throwing hissy fits when he doesn't win a category that he feels he deserved to win, so why would it be that much more far fetched that he'd do the same for someone else that he thought deserved to win?
September 14, 2009 at 12:11 PMI'm not saying that he should have stolen Taylor's shine, but why are we soooo shocked and pissed off that he did when he is known for doing this ALL.THE.TIME?
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