People kill me.
Especially conceited folks.
I was talking to this girl recently and she remarked that she refuses to go to chain restaurants on a date.
She said that when she's dating she only accepts dates at privately owned establishments, aka ritzy places.
After I finished gagging, I started to think about it: How much does the average date cost, strictly monetarily, and if so, then what does that say about the two people?
Let's say you and someone you like settle on a place to eat.
The entree, on average will be about, hmmm, $13.99.
Let's say if you want a glass of wine, that's about $7.99.
Let's say you want an appetizer (and yeah you need to share it). Then that's another $11.
If the other person got a similar entree, then that brings the total to somewhere around $44, then you'd be wise to leave a phat tip (and don't pull out that card that shows you how much to tip, ewwwww, I hate that).
That means a date, on average, costs about $50. Basically you've accounted for roughly have of that or $25.
Is that about right, or should it be much less than that depending on the level of friendship/intimacy aka, do you come in under that (or above)?
I think thats about right Craig, meaning the 50.00. And it shouldnt depend on level of friendship or if he's gonna get some nookie. A real gentleman, he'd pay that willingly.
September 11, 2009 at 1:54 PMBut yeah, ole' girl is talking crazy.
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