It is obvious that love -- that odorless, colorless, many splendored thing -- has never had a color, never had a preference other than its own reciprocation.
While human prejudices and orientations dictated who coupled with who, societal standards have finally caught up with the heart's desires.
Black women, long complaining about the scarcity of eligible brothers on the scene, are being pleasantly surprised by the caucasian attention being brought there way.
There may be racism in the world, but when the lights are off, everybody's black.
White and black. Black and brown. Brown and yellow, etc. But if American cities are any indication, the biggest beneficiaries to the love being spreaded around these days is the white guy.
When it comes to the dating game, white guys are getting it in these days.
Ahem, I said white guys are getting it in these days (slow clap).
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