I remember distinctly in high school I was talking to a group of guys about the previous night's basketball game in which Michael Jordan scored, like, 50 points on somebody, and this girl co-worker walks up and says "Yeah, and [Scottie] Pippen had 13 rebounds."
After my mouth managed to close, I vividly remember mouthing the words, "Marry me."
Yeah, they're just that rare: Women who love sports.
Now, I'm not talking about the casual watcher that enjoys the Super Bowl (party), or the NBA Finals, when "there's somebody sexy" playing.
I'm talking about straight gamers: Women who know the game. They can tell you who's starting, what the trade talk is. I'm talking about women that HIGH-FIVE you after a spectacular play.
They are out there, but very few and far between. They need to start early (I can see it now, high school courses on learning the basics of the games, tennis, hockey, football, basketball). It would raise sportsmanship around the schools and immensely raise every social circle's sports IQ.
The down side? It'd basically guarantee a beer belly for countless women.
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