With words like "epidemic" and "pandemic" being thrown around, is it time to get under the bed and pray? No, well, yeah, prayer "changes things", but it's no time to panic.
This swine flu stuff sounds serious. If you've ever had the flu - chills, congested head, chest and nasal passages, fatigue, dizziness - you know what the drill is. What is puzzling health officials is that the illness is striking those 20 - 40 years of age in Mexico, while in the U.S. the average age is 16.
What's a person to do?
Sanjay Gupta said the elbow-bump is official in effect instead of the handshake. The cheek kiss? Better know 'em real well.
In a hot, sweaty club listening to T.I. blaring to music while wet strangers bump into you? out.
P.S. For a good read, one blogger, in Mexico, tells his story
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