More normalized relations with Cuba is Deputy White House Chief of Staff Mona Sutphen's baby.
She had hinted to the media that she was consumed with the issue of striking down the embargo with the Communist nation for months now, so it was no surprise when the deal was struck last week. And lately, Sutphen has been inking up alot of press from things about her policy to her fetish for Vera Wang, but that's all well and good in historic times, right? Maybe it's the Ivy League education, or the Clinton Whie House experience. Maybe because she looks sort of like Halle Berry? I dunno. However, some people say the media's coverage of Mona Stuphen is too much. Hmmm. Ulterior motives at work?
some folks need to get a life and read a book
April 22, 2009 at 11:23 AMPost a Comment