Admit it, you sleep on accessorizing, don't you?
I mean, do you really put effort into coordinating the tidbits of clothing and apparel that make your outfit come together?
Many women get the toes to match the nail polish and call it day, but why not take advantage of the fashion possibilities?
Got a cool belt? How about matching it with a similar neck-piece?
Got that hot nail polish? What can you do with lip gloss?
As John Witherspoon soon emphatically put it in "Boomerang": CoOORDINATE. CoooORdinaaate!"
I tried, Lawd knows I tried, but accessories can be just as expensive as clothes and shoes. Its really tough and really expensive to be a well-put together lady. Even with the costume jewelry; its cheap but you have to keep replacing it because...well, its cheap! I even tried coordinating my underwear (matching my panties with my bras) but after while, im like F*CK IT!
August 5, 2009 at 3:41 PMBTW: Paula looks GAWJUS in this pic!!
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