His Purple Badness, for a hot second now, has been dancing and prancing with a couple of girls that have that Siemese thing going on.
They are indentical twins, Nandy and Maya McClean, from Sydney, Australia. They are primarily dancers with Prince's band. Word is that they both auditioned for "Australian Idol 2," but one got further than the other and soon both were seen shimmying on stage with Prince.

Prince has been known to have some stellar proteges in his day: Sheila E., Vanity, Appolonia, Sheena Easton, Ingrid Chavez, to name a few.
Some people get older, some get colder. Prince is a living legend and will undoubtably make the girls huge luminaries in the world of entertainment. He said it himself on the "Purple Rain" album, he said, "Baby, I'm a Star."
Indeed, Prince, indeed.
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