They are underworked. Underpaid. Underappreciated, and when they are working, it is more derogatory roles no self-respecting thespian would dare agree to portray.
But yet there they are, the black actresses of Hollywood, the few, the proud, the Moreens, the Saquishas, the ghetto chicks in the 'hood. Why do they get all the terrible roles?
If you look at the box office this month, or this year, you'll see a handful of decent films, but the majority will be garbage. And the number of deep, textured African-American characters in these movies?: Nada.
Zero. Zelch.
Tyler Perry is producing movies as fast as he can, but we need more Spikes, more John Singletons. Somebody help!
Very true! I really thank Tyler to casting our favorites in roles that we'd never seen them play before AND for introducing fresh new black faces.
August 21, 2009 at 3:33 PMPost a Comment