Recording artist The Dream has a song on heavy rotation on urban radio called "Sweat it Out," where he describes the pleasures of loving and the bad hairdo that comes as a result.
Is sweating it out a concern for most women?
Me thinks not. (At least I hope not).
But sex is not the only way women sweat their hairdos out: I know several women that refuse to exercise explicitly because it would ruin a good perm before it's time.
The good news? Men don't really care about a sweated-out do (trust me).
Chris Rock has been getting blasted with the release of his "Good Hair," for putting black women's hair woes on front street, but it's high time everybody - men, women - dealt with each other on an intimate "real" level.
Men have a BUNCH of hang-ups as well, that have yet to reach daylight.
When will we all deal with that?
Happy to say "sweating it out" is no longer an issue for me =).
October 13, 2009 at 2:00 PMI agree about the need for us to start getting to know people on more intimate levels. Its the substance that really counts, right?
People have soooo many hang-ups these days. If they only knew their Significant Other/Person they Like don't even be caring about half of that stuff!
October 13, 2009 at 5:40 PMPost a Comment