With Hollywood confirming the news that "Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2" is in the works, you have to wonder if it's prudent to go the cartoon route or give the mantle of "leading lady" to someone of the fleshly realm.
Not since Marylin Monroe has a screen starlet ramped up the testosterone types like the one and only Jessica Rabbit.
Here are a few candidates taken from around the Web for the part:
Jessica Rabbit 1: Haute and spicy

Hmmm, not too shabby. You think she's a natural Strawberry though? And the dress seems too flammable, an accident waiting to happen? Hmmm, maybe not.
Jessica Rabbit 2: Heidi Heidi Heidi Hoooo

Supermodel and supermom Heidi Klum pulls the role off effortlessly as the sultry nightclub singer married to a hare. No doubt she'd get the role, and we probably can throw in a couple of shots of Seal clutching a "Rose" or something.
Jessica Rabbit 3: Will are my pills?

Of course, you can always go with a more tragic-looking figure for the top lady. This one, obviously for a Halloween party, may have had one too many Tom Collins though to make it through the film. Anyway, red dresses do something to us, don't they?
Jessica Rabbit 4: Disney meets the Scrip club

Aaaah, let's get some Motherland in this piece. Who framed "Jesshika" Rabbit, anyone? The acting chops may not be there but -- say what you want-- the bros are with me on this one.
Jessica Rabbit 5: America's Next Top Bottle

You can tell a hype, can't you? She looks waaaay too dependent on that ciggy. And while the model world these days is into the thin-look, we think this one needs a tad bit more loin before it's all Hollygood.
Jessica Rabbit 6: Pixar, eat your heart out

Aaah, computer animation, Photoshop and old fashioned Mickey Mouse come together on this one. Instead of a real person, why don't we just jazz up the cartoonish look, and call it a day? I mean, it was 1986 when filming began on the original one. Can you imagine how much lipo, tummy-tuck, Botox she could have underwent since then???
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