Just when you thought she had gone away, Los Angeles socialite Paris Hilton revealed that she and the pet pig she got last fall has gotten quite comfortable with each other. (This is not for the squeamish, squeenkish or oinkish).
She sleeps with a pig. No, not her boyfriend, Doug Reinhardt, but her actual pet, Miss Pigelett.
"Doug and I will be lying in bed, watching DVDs, and she'll just lie there between us. She's a little sweetheart and I love her," Hilton told Contact Music.
Now, Ms. Hilton has been portrayed as pigish way before she got one, so this should come as little surprise. (Actually it's rumored that she grocery-shops only at Piggly Wiggly -- psyke).
But, see, this is why swine flu is out of control. Just sayin.
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