Things have changed quite a bit since the mid-1980s when a certain Heathcliffe Huxtable used to KRS-ONE on TV. For Middle America, it was a chance to see the African-American family like never before: Healthy, vibrant, articulate, silly, normal. But looking back at it, and considering the Great Recession we find ourselves in now, we obviously subscribe to lower principles these days. A family with two parents making six figures is as far from reality for the most of us as a kid brother named Theo (Malik maybe, not Theo).
That being said, was the Evans family more true to life? J.J., Michael and Thelma didn't have much materially, but they had each other's back.
The Huxtables had money, but they did'nt have a Willona, somebody who you could trust your life, your husband, your kids, and your life with.
We used to aspire to be Cliff and Claire. Was that reality? In the end, maybe the Winslows (a police officer father) were more real. Honestly, do you know an Uncle Phil in your life? I used to. But not anymore.
Black family, where are we now?
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