It used to be that people of different races tip-toed across the lines due to cultural or stereotypical taboos: White men were known to have the money, black men the sex. Now, interracial dating has taken on less superficial pretenses and more substance. A good friend of mine, a white woman, is dating a black man, and having the time of her life. They don't go out to plays, restaurants or even parties. They simply talk about deep things all day and night. Oh, their relationship is progressing nicely on the physical, but it's not about that, and increasingly it's more and more about intellectual attraction. This flies in the face of decades of social programming to make us think otherwise. With books, movies used to perpetrate a reality that may have never existed in the first place. Don't get me wrong, there's still lots of hate out there. But we owe our gratitude to Love, or better yet the Lovings. No, not the human emotion, but the till-death-do-us-part Loving couple during the Jim Crow era. They single handedly broke down the walls of American hypocrisy when it came down to interracial couples. Is it easier to date interracially now? Absolutely. But is the fight over? Unfortunately, not at all.
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