Admit it, do you like the skinny one or the healthy one?
She's come a long way since she played a crackhead opposite Gator in Spike Lee's "Jungle Fever," and who'd have thought she'd be the off-lead B girl in Eddy Murphy's "Boomerang"? Of course it all changed with the Oscar: fame, lead roles, Revlon and of course, baby makes three. In the last 10 years no woman has changed more than the irrepressible, unstoppable Halle Maria Berry. Who'd have thought a 40-year-old would be today's Sexiest Woman Alive? I mean, seriously. What we've been witnessing in real time, folks, is the emancipating process of a woman reinventing herself: Halle 2.0.
The old Halle was cute as a button, but frail. She was a domestic abuse survivor, a victim. The new Halle is fleshy, organic. The old hair style, the signature close crop became a statement way before her acting did. But the new Halle just lets it flow. Before Halle, women over 40 wouldn't be interested in babies. Halle has changed that. While working on new films and endorsements, she's also working on baby No. 2. Halle Berry is a PopWife.
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