You know your career is at a crossroads when the announcement that the dog, Toto, the dog, that will play alongside you, is bigger than the initial announcement last week that reported that you sign on to the project.
Sigh, Ashanti Douglas.
Last week's news that Ashanti signed on to play "The Wiz," must have been too much for Irv Gotti though. The label head of The Inc. Records (formerly Murder Inc.) says the two aren't really speaking so it's time to cut her loose.
"We don't really speak or talk and it's sad, but in another way it's like it's all good. I don't think she could win - she needs some guidance, but she's not thinking that and honestly, I'm going to drop her," .he recently said
Ashanti has already been Alice in Wonderland, thrust down a rabbit hole of uncertainty and turmoil when her label, the infamous Murder Inc., was brought to its knees by the feds in a corruption trial. After a couple years of drifting down the charts, Ashanti has taken to the theater and will star as Dorothy in a stage production of "The Wizard of Oz."
Ashanti started off so strong in her career, then, I dunno what happened. SMH
June 2, 2009 at 3:20 PMPost a Comment