Make no mistake about it: The man has been working his tail off. But don't think - for a moment - the Obamas haven't been having a good time.
As evidenced by the White House's release, on Flickr no less, of pics of the president's first 100 days in office, the Obamas are having the time of their lives.
They've partied with Stevie Wonder, broke bread with Oprah, had a Poetry Night at the White House, had comic books drawn of them, had churches openly court them for membership, had a national dog-shopping adventure, and Obama's slightly faded head has nary an added gray hair (I think.)

Michelle's toned arms have flailed in the wind, her smile has caressed the screens and magazine covers of countless people. And while her hair hasn't always kept up, she has remained inexhaustible, ever-approachable, lovable.
awww i love 'em
May 20, 2009 at 6:13 AMPost a Comment