With all the awareness about World AIDs Day and HIV prevention efforts, we think it's prudent to also spotlight a growing group that continue to go against the grain: Bug chasers.
Bug chasers are HIV negative gay men who try to contract HIV and AIDs by having sex with HIV positive men.
They often throw "conversion parties" and seek to hook up with carriers ("gift givers") that would help them to contract the disease.
Many people interviewed about why they would want such a dreadful disease cite the support and sympathy among the gay community for HIV-positive people.
All of this behavior flies in the face of those who put forth great effort to get the disease under control and stem its spread. And there is a big effort among gays against bugchasing, but the issue remains.
Many of them share the sentiment of "Carlos" who was quoted saying: "I know what the risks are, and I know that putting myself in this situation is like putting a gun to my head," in a 3Rolling Stone article in 200. Despite the risks, Carlos said, "But I think it turns the other guy on to know that I'm negative and that they're bringing me into the brotherhood. That gets me off, too."
It will get him off alright, off the planet.
December 16, 2009 at 1:53 PMPost a Comment