With the stunning revelations that gospel singer BeBe Winans was arrested on domestic assault, one has to wonder WTF is happening?
Is there something in the water?
People are putting their hands on black women in heinous ways these days.
BeBe, 46, was arrested Wednesday for allegedly pushing his ex-wife to the ground during a "verbal altercation" over "custody issues dealing with their children."
ex-wife Debra’s Nashville home, where he had gone to pick up his children.
The news follows recent domestic violence issues involving Rihanna and Chris Brown, and a shocking videotape last month of police officers attacking a 15-year-old black girl in a jail cell.
This follows popular retailer Amazon selling a rape game online (which they've since pulled).
But what's going on, seriously? Now that the sharks are in the water capitalizing on the recent spate of domestic violence, where are we going with all this? When did communication between man and woman get to the point where one wants to physically hurt the other person?
Ok, that's the first time that I've managed to actually watch that video. All that because she kicked off her shoe?? GAHDAMN!!!!! They are dead wrong for that. I can't do nothing but shake my head... there is soo much to say about that alone...
March 15, 2009 at 6:03 AMWTF is right. So, you mean to tell me that Bebe done up and joined the abusers?? Damn, damn, damn. Welp, he ain't the first "man of God" to abuse his wife. This shit has seriously got to stop!
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