It was with awe, sorrow, astonishment and, honestly, periodic mischievous glee that I read some of the newly-released text messages from the 'sexting scandal involving former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and ex-Chief of Staff Christine Beatty.
I've wrote about the perils of sexting before (which is some of the reason why I'm not a big Twitterer/Tweeter), but some things stood out to me about the new texts.

The fact that both of them were already married just thickened the plot to an already boiling cauldron of politics, corruption and controversy.
But as i read them I couldn't help but notice an air of danger, excitement, dare I say it, love, dangerous love, (or was it lust?) that the two seemed to truthfully share.
Their exchange went from the romantic:
Beatty: "One thing that is sticking with me from Saturday was when I asked you why it felt so good, and you told me because I was your lady, that for whatever reason, was something that stayed with me real strong! Crazy huh?"
Mayor: LOL. Surer huh? I hope you feel that way for a long time. In case you haven't noticed, I am madly in love with you too! More and more everyday! I can't believe how much more it grows. Is there a limit?"
To the unbelievable.
Beatty: "Not til death do us part."
Mayor: "I'll buy that."
To the downright freaky:
"I really wanted to give you some good head this morning and I didn't know how to ask you to let me do it. I have wanted to since Friday night when you asked me at the club."
His reply: Damn. I just got out the shower and saw my two-way. Next time just tell me to SIT DOWN, SHUT UP and do your thing!"
I can't defend their actions, but it made me think if I text my wife with such feel-good, reassuring notes. I mean this was his mistress. With the weather warming up, especially, why do we always think the grass is greener on the other side?
Get some Detroit sext in your life right here.
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